Friday, May 6, 2011

10 pounds!

That's right, in my first 6 days on WW I lost 10 pounds!!! I am so excited. I have not felt deprived at all, quite the opposite. I thinking sticking to this is going to be totally doable.

I am beginning to feel human again. I would say I am feeling like myself except that I don't really know what that feels like anymore. It has been so many years since I was my old, sane self that I don't remember what it felt like. That really bothered me at first. Then I realized that this just means that I am at a crossroads in my life and I have the great gift of being able to reinvent myself hopefully leaving out as many flaws as possible.

God is where I am turning to find what to make of myself. I am trying to find a balance between the death to self He calls for and black whole of depression and self hatred I was in. You might think the two are totally unrelated but they are not in my messed up depressed mind. So I am working on that. I am a terrible prayer and I am working on that as well.

I am enjoying my family so much more than I was. I have even forgotten to take my PRN Ativan a couple of times and still enjoyed them. God is blessing me richly every day.

God Bless all who read this.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pleasant Surprise

So today's planned exercise was to walk a circuit around the building. My doctor told me to take it slow and not do too much. When my baby girl decided she was going to go on the walk with me I didn't feel like I could stop after just the one circuit. So, I kept walking. I walked until the pinched nerve was making my back scream. Then I sat very quickly in a folding chair my husband had lovingly provided so I didn't have to navigate the toy landmine between the front door and my chair inside.

Then something lovely happened. Once I stopped trying to hack a lung up, I sat in the shade sipping my Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry (while my precious girl sat in a chair next to me sipping milk because she wanted to be with me) and I felt......good. It took a few minutes for the feeling to return to my backside (side effect of that lovely pinched nerve) and my knees made it clear I was not their friend, but I felt good. I know going for a ten minute walk is not big deal for most people, heck it will only get you a fifth of the way through COSTCO, but for me this was huge on so many levels.

For one, this was in public. I am violently paranoid about seeing people who I will have to encounter more than once so walking in my kerchief, with my pronounced limp, with my 3 year old yelling, "Hurry up Mama!" was a real stand against my depression. Second, and I know this is pathetic, I did entirely of my own free will. I hadn't told anyone my plan so they could remind me; I wasn't guilted into by my mother's chiding. I made the plan and I followed through. I haven't had that kind of willpower since this whole depression ordeal began. I have been getting through doing exactly as much as I have to do and tyring to stay out of anything else just to keep balance. I felt good to feel in control and not feel completely overwhelmed by it. And last, but not least, I pushed myself even though I knew the pain would come. I have been very wimpy about challenging myself physically since the RA diagnosis. I have to admit I am still a little scared of the pain that will come tomorrow, but for today I pushed it.

So we sat there, my LoveBug and I, sipping our drinks. As I sat there I thought, "I made it ten minutes. I bet I could make it another five." I know, I'm as shocked as you are. So up the bug and I got and around we went again. No way could I have made it to 20 minutes but I made it fifteen. I am irrationally proud of myself.

Tomorrow if my first weigh in and meeting for WW. I am excited and nervous and just a little nauseous. I have picked a meeting led by the leader I loved 8 years ago the last time I did WW with any real intention of sticking to it. I am fairly certain this was a good idea.

Wish me luck. Offer up a prayer that I handle the results of said weigh in well.

God Bless all who read this.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Rocky but good start

So on my first day doing WW my husband didn't realize I was starting so he made me "last day before the diet" biscuits and gravy for breakfast and similar very NOT diet things for lunch and dinner. SO, on my first I burned through all my day's points and two thirds of my weekly bonus points :-) Hooray for bonus points.

This new system is very strange. All fruit is free. The points targets are much higher. I feel like I'm cheating. I'm not but I feel like I am. It is only Monday and I am already terrified I am going to get there on Thursday and weigh more than I did when I signed up on Friday.

I remember it felt like this last time but I still feel like I'm cheating.

My exercise today was wall push ups. I did 30 which I know isn't many but I am THAT out of shape.

So things seem to be going well. We shall see on Thursday morning.

God Bless all who read this.